Saturday, December 24, 2005


Over the past week I suggested that there are some alternative readings of the Christmas Story in the Scriptures. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ, let me raise a question: which Christmas story are you reading?

Will Willimon is a United Methodist Bishop, pastor, and prolific author. In his book, "Watch for the Light," he writes:

“We love Christmas because, as we say, Christmas brings out the best in us. Everyone gives on Christmas, even the stingiest among us, even the Ebenezer Scrooges. Charles Dickens’ story of Scrooge’s transformation has probably done more to form our notions of Christmas than St. Luke’s story of the manger. Whereas Luke tells us of God’s gift to us, Dickens tells us how we can give to others. A Christmas Carol is more congenial to our favorite images of ourselves. Dickens suggests that down deep, even the worst of us can become generous, giving people.

Yet, I suggest we are better givers than getters, not because we are generous people, but because we are proud, arrogant people. The Christmas story—the one according to Luke not Dickens—is not about how blessed it is to be givers but how essential it is to see ourselves as receivers.”

I pray that this year you receive the wonderful gift of God in Jesus Christ.

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