Wednesday, December 28, 2005


It was just about a month ago when I raised this question before our community of faith – “what would it take for you to wake up on December 26 to be able to say to yourself, ‘this Christmas, I got it right?’” Well, it is December 28, I thought it would be good to share some of my thoughts and invite you to join in as well.

One of the things I shared with my congregation was the fact that our goal should not be a perfect Christmas; that is simply setting oneself up for failure. A more realistic goal was to find movement toward getting it right, a more Christ-centered and Christ-honoring celebration. Believe me, I certainly didn’t get it perfect (not even close); I had my moments of anxiety, self-centered thinking, irritation with people, counting the days until it would all be over…but in the midst of it I did discover some movement.

One of the biggest movements for me this December was the fresh realization that I have control over very little and that indeed much of what is going on around me is a part of the cosmic spiritual battle between the forces of the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of God. I shared a talk entitled, “Peace on Earth?” which centered on the world into which Jesus was born, a world ruled and dominated by the Roman Empire. The peace of Rome was fueled by violence, oppression, and injustice and the Prince of Peace came to confront, disarm, and dismantle this evil empire. The implications and reverberations from this event are still being felt today.

A friend of mine shared some wisdom with me (via John Ortberg’s book, “If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat”). She reminded me that we all need God-sized challenges, the kind of challenges where only God could bring the victory. Otherwise, we become very confident on our own abilities to stay in control and make things happen. One night lying in bed I realized that one of the situation I am facing is indeed a spiritual battle; the best of my ability has failed to produce any real, substantive change. Break-through will only come as the result of God’s power sweeping in and saving the day. Now sure, I have a part to play, but really what’s needed most is the power and peace of God to come into this situation and reign (reminds me of Jesus words, “this one will only come out through prayer and fasting”).

This Christmas I gave fewer wrapped gifts; I gave a number of costly (life giving kinds of gifts through world Vision) and had some fun giving symbolic gifts to a few close friends. Most of all I tried to give more of myself. On Christmas Day, my wife Patty had to work the 3-11 PM shift which left me alone with my in-laws at Christmas dinner; not the most comfortable place for me. I made the conscious decision to give the gift of my presence to two of my nephews. I don’t see them very often and seldom really speak with them. I spent some quality one-on-one time with each of them where I tried my best to become present to them, to listen and learn what’s going on in their lives. It blessed me and I pray it touched their lives in a small way as well.

What about you? Did you discern any movement toward getting Christmas right this year? I would love to hear some of your stories.

Stay Connected…

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