Monday, November 07, 2005


I've been away for a while and it feels good to blog-in. The past two weeks have been challenging and the last seven days especially trying. It began with a complete computer crash, a trip to the ER with a blood clot in my leg (no worries - according to the doctors it was superficial and clinically irrelevant, two words I typically do not want attached to me) and the opportunity to walk with a friend of mine (and our community at large) through the death of his wife.

Yesterday during our worship gathering, we concluded a five week series on Environments and our metaphor was water. Did you ever stop to think about the shape of water? What shape does water have? You can't answer that question, because water doesn't really have a shape of it's own - it is fluid and takes the shape of the container holding it.

The phrase Erwin McManus uses is "liquid grace." And he writes in his book, An Unstoppable Force: "The Christian community is not a place without interpersonal crisis or challenge. In some sense we are all hypocrites in transition. We're all working it out. Sometimes fighting with God, sometimes working with God. That's why biblical community is such an extraordinary gift. It's not about being perfect or loving people who are always easy to love; it's about loving people through the love of God. It's about being loved even when you blow it, being loved even when you do not deserve it, an being loved by others who know you all too well, even when you find it difficult to love yourselves."

This past week I have received countless expressions of liquid grace. They have come to me through a variety of containers: my sisters and brothers on our leadership team (not perfect, but growing), my co-laborers in ministry (thanks Marlaena and Joe), members of Christ Community, and friends within the larger community. And mostly especially through my wife Patty. It is not good for this man to be alone and God showers me with His grace daily through
her life.

Thank God for His liquid grace!

Stay connected...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Terry, I really appreciate and grab on to that phrase "liquid grace."

Read it in U.F. a year or so ago for the first time and I had to stop a re-read it several imes as it soaked in.

Since, it has been healing and freeing for me.
