Saturday, March 12, 2005


Yesterday, I downloaded from iTunes (I am trying to say goodbye to CDs), Share the Well, the latest release from Caedmon's Call. The heart for the project and the songs that flowed forth were birthed through the band's visit to a number of different countries and cultures (India, Brazil among others). God enlarged their vision and gave them eyes to see His work all around them as well as a deep compassion to share the well and to leverage their music as a means of helping meet people's real needs.

This project is personally challenging. For the past eighteen months I have been focusing my energies (along with many others) on getting a new church off the ground. We express our mission at Christ Community Church through the following words: "helping people connect with God, one another and our world." And God is calling us to enlarge our vision of "our world."

If that vision resonates with you at all I'd encourage you to check out the band website:

Share the well
Share with your brother
Share the well, my friend
It takes a deeper well
To love one another
Share the well, my friend...

You know I've heard good people say
There's nothing I can do
That's half a world away
Well maybe you've got money
Maybe you've got time
Maybe you've got the Living Well
That ain't ever running dry.

Share the well...

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