Tuesday, April 26, 2005


True confessions - I have a fascination with the papacy. Although I disagree with Rome on a number of theology points, in 1978 as a nineteen year pre-Christian, I watched as the white smoke billowed forth from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel and Karol Wojty³a was introduced to the world as Pope John Paul II. From that moment I was hooked - the mystery, the intrigue, the pomp and ceremony, the hat (yes the hat!). Patty as a former Roman Catholic can't quite figure it out (nor can I for that matter). Part of my Christmas Eve tradition for the past twenty-some years has been watching at least a portion of the Pope's Christmas Eve mass.

This past semester I have been teaching a class on Leadership at the Greater Works School of Ministry and our primary text has been Reggie McNeal's book, "A Work of Heart." But a couple of weeks ago we took a detour and spent an entire class discussing leadership lessons from the life of John Paul II. A bunch of American protestants spending two hours learning about leadership from the life of a polish priest - pretty cool stuff if you ask me.

John Paul II has been the only pope I've known. And now we have Benedict XVI. Only time will tell if he captures my interest like John Paul, but I thought I should try to get to know the man. And so I spend some time reading the text of his homily from his installation mass this past Sunday. Again, there is much I do not agree with biblically and theologically; but Benedict made this profound statement about the task of leadership:

“My real program of governance is not to do my own will, not to pursue my own ideas, but to listen, together with the whole church, to the word and the will of the Lord, to be guided by Him so that He himself will lead the church at this hour of our history,”

I love these words. Leadership isn't about promoting our own agenda or asserting our own will - it's all about bringing the community together to listen for the voice of God and than following Him into the future. In this hour of history, I find myself privileged to serve with a number of sisters and brothers in a strong leadership community in my local church. I could think of no higher goal than together discerning the voice of Christ and following Him with faith and obedience.

Let the ones who have ears, hear what the Spirt is saying to the Church!

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