Friday, April 22, 2005


How can we up our amazement factor? Celebrate something everyday. Take time to say thanks. I was reading today in Mark 8 where we find the miracle of the loaves and fish - Jesus takes seven loaves of bread and a few fish and feeds thousands - amazing! When the disciples the bread and fish, the first thing Jesus did was give thanks. One of the church fathers, St Bede said this about Jesus' actions:

"As Jesus was on the point of refreshing the multitude, he gave thanks. He gave thanks in order to teach us for the favors we have received from heaven and to impress upon us how much he himself rejoices at our spiritual refreshment."

For some of us it is a fairly common practice to give thanks before a meal. What if we stretch it out a bit and began to say thanks in advance of the events, people, and experiences that bring refreshment to our souls? Before we tee off on the first hole - say thanks for birdies and double bogies and everything in-between. Before we embark on a walk - say thanks for legs that carry us and a glorious creation to enjoy. Before we listen to a piece of music - say thanks for ears that hear and souls that respond to a beautifully crafted song.

Open your eyes; there's great stuff all around. Stuff that is well worth celebrating and giving thanks.

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