Friday, January 21, 2005

Freedom's been on my mind these days. What exactly is it? How do we get it? Would I really know it if it snuck up and smacked me alongside the head? Is freedom really "like the scent of a newborn baby's head" (u2's miracle drug).

In my younger days, I used to think that freedom was having the opportunity to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Fairly shallow thinking (but then again I have never been accused of being the deepest of thinkers), that may work on some level for some period of time, but as my life has unfolded I have come to learn that more often than not, the pursuit of that kind of freedom has led to nothing more than captivity and enslavement, along with a whole lot of pain and isolation.

My thoughts on freedom are evolving. Last year my friend and co-worker Marlaena returned from a conference experience and gave me a cherished gift - a copy of Erwin McManus' latest book, "Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul." Now, I can hear you saying, what's so special about a book (even a book by one of my heroes, McManus). Well, at the conference Marlaena had the opportunity to meet Erwin and she asked if he would inscribe the book for me (now that takes the gift thing to a whole new level). Here's what he wrote: "to Terry - that you might live free - Psalm 119:32."

I want to live free and am discovering that freedom, true freedom is not the ability to do whatever I want, but instead it is the opportunity to live according to the Creator's incredible design for my life. And I pray that by His grace and through His Spirit that might become more of a reality in my life and in yours as well.

"I run in the path of your commands,
for you have set my heart free. " Psalm 119:32

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are deep words Terry!

I think one of the greatest and exciting mysteries of God is what you talk about here. By being faithful followers and living within God's design, we experience a life of freedom. A life of creativity and imagination.

And not only do we find freedom for living but we find freedom in being. We are free to be who God has created, redeemed and gifted us to be - really.

Thanks for your prayer for us to experience that kind of life. You are a great cultural architect.
